bin. matters


Manifestation is the art (or science) of making things happen in this plane of existence or material world
We often refer to the Field of Intent. If you place your desire or wish in the field of intent it will manifest in the material (real) world.
For centuries sorcerers have practised real magick for healing, gain and enlightenment. They have done this through meditation and incantation, often with astonishing results.
You may have read about the success gurus and famous people who achieve great success for themselves and others by creating goals and focusing on them every day. Visualizing each aspect in detail. This is a basic principle of manifestation but not the whole story.

How can you or I reach this magical field of intent without years of commitment and practice?  

How can we make our dreams become reality, our wishes come true, our desires manifest?

How Does Our Product Work?

We selected a number of successful people. Some were materially successful, some were great healers or motivators, some seemed to have amazing power over the opposite sex. Others were great artists and others had a successful marriage and family life.
All the successful people had one thing in common. When they were focused and intent on their wish we saw similar brainwave patterns emerge again and again.
It seemed that the ability to manifest has a reproducible and re-creatable brain pattern. We have been able to recreate this pattern using brainwave harmonics and binaural induction.
Further research showed that the dominant pattern was similar but certain sub harmonics varied. There was a dominant sub harmonic for healing and a different one for manifesting material gain. There was yet another for sexual magnetism and another for psychic ability.

In all we discovered 7 sets of sub-harmonics that influenced material gain, sexual magnetism, healing, love, artistic ability, psychic ability and spirituality.

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