script NS 22
function Check-7z {
$7zdir = (Get-Location).Path + "\7z"
if (-not (Test-Path ($7zdir + "\7zr.exe")))
$null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force $7zdir
$download_file = $7zdir + "\7zr.exe"
Write-Host "Downloading 7zr.exe" -ForegroundColor Green
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -UserAgent [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent]::FireFox -OutFile $download_file
Write-Host "7zr already exist. Skipped download" -ForegroundColor Green
function Check-PowershellVersion {
$version = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major
Write-Host "Checking Windows PowerShell version -- $version" -ForegroundColor Green
if ($version -le 2)
Write-Host "Using Windows PowerShell $version is unsupported. Upgrade your Windows PowerShell." -ForegroundColor Red
function Check-Ytplugin {
$ytdlp = Get-ChildItem "yt-dlp*.exe" -ErrorAction Ignore
$youtubedl = Get-ChildItem "youtube-dl.exe" -ErrorAction Ignore
if ($ytdlp) {
return $ytdlp.ToString()
elseif ($youtubedl) {
return $youtubedl.ToString()
else {
return $null
function Check-Mpv {
$mpv = (Get-Location).Path + "\mpv.exe"
$is_exist = Test-Path $mpv
return $is_exist
function Download-Archive ($filename, $link) {
Write-Host "Downloading" $filename -ForegroundColor Green
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $link -UserAgent [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent]::FireFox -OutFile $filename
function Download-Ytplugin ($plugin, $version) {
$link = ""
$plugin_exe = ""
switch -wildcard ($plugin) {
"yt-dlp*" {
Write-Host "Downloading $plugin ($version)" -ForegroundColor Green
$32bit = ""
if (-Not (Test-Path (Join-Path $env:windir "SysWow64"))) {
$32bit = "_x86"
$link = -join("", $version, "/", $plugin, $32bit, ".exe")
$plugin_exe = -join($plugin, $32bit, ".exe")
"youtube-dl" {
Write-Host "Downloading $plugin ($version)" -ForegroundColor Green
$link = -join("", $version, "/youtube-dl.exe")
$plugin_exe = "youtube-dl.exe"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $link -UserAgent [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent]::FireFox -OutFile $plugin_exe
function Extract-Archive ($file) {
$7zr = (Get-Location).Path + "\7z\7zr.exe"
Write-Host "Extracting" $file -ForegroundColor Green
& $7zr x -y $file
function Get-Latest-Mpv($Arch, $channel) {
$filename = ""
$download_link = ""
switch -wildcard ($channel) {
"daily" {
$api_gh = ""
$json = Invoke-WebRequest $api_gh -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction Ignore -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json
$filename = $json.assets | where { $ -Match "mpv-$Arch" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name
$download_link = $json.assets | where { $ -Match "mpv-$Arch" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty browser_download_url
"weekly" {
$i686_link = ""
$x86_64_link = ""
$x86_64v3_link = ""
$rss_link = ''
switch ($Arch)
i686 { $rss_link = $i686_link}
x86_64 { $rss_link = $x86_64_link }
x86_64-v3 { $rss_link = $x86_64v3_link }
Write-Host "Fetching RSS feed for mpv" -ForegroundColor Green
$result = [xml](New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString($rss_link)
$latest = $[0]
$tempname = $latest.split("/")[-2]
$filename = [System.Uri]::UnescapeDataString($tempname)
$download_link = "" + $filename
if ($filename -is [array]) {
return $filename[0], $download_link[0]
else {
return $filename, $download_link
function Get-Latest-Ytplugin ($plugin) {
switch -wildcard ($plugin) {
"yt-dlp*" {
$link = ""
Write-Host "Fetching RSS feed for ytp-dlp" -ForegroundColor Green
$resp = [xml](Invoke-WebRequest $link -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction Ignore -UseBasicParsing).Content
$link = $resp.feed.entry[0].link.href
$version = $link.split("/")[-1]
return $version
"youtube-dl" {
$link = ""
Write-Host "Fetching RSS feed for youtube-dl" -ForegroundColor Green
$resp = Invoke-WebRequest $link -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction Ignore -UseBasicParsing
$redirect_link = $resp.Headers.Location
$version = $redirect_link.split("/")[4]
return $version
function Get-Latest-FFmpeg ($Arch) {
$api_gh = ""
$json = Invoke-WebRequest $api_gh -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction Ignore -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json
$filename = $json.assets | where { $ -Match "ffmpeg-$Arch" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name
$download_link = $json.assets | where { $ -Match "ffmpeg-$Arch" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty browser_download_url
if ($filename -is [array]) {
return $filename[0], $download_link[0]
else {
return $filename, $download_link
function Get-Arch {
# Reference:
$FilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine((Get-Location).Path, 'mpv.exe')
[int32]$MACHINE_OFFSET = 4
[int32]$PE_POINTER_OFFSET = 60
[byte[]]$data = New-Object -TypeName System.Byte[] -ArgumentList 4096
$stream = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.FileStream -ArgumentList ($FilePath, 'Open', 'Read')
$stream.Read($data, 0, 4096) | Out-Null
# DOS header is 64 bytes, last element, long (4 bytes) is the address of the PE header
[int32]$PE_HEADER_ADDR = [System.BitConverter]::ToInt32($data, $PE_POINTER_OFFSET)
[int32]$machineUint = [System.BitConverter]::ToUInt16($data, $PE_HEADER_ADDR + $MACHINE_OFFSET)
$result = "" | select FilePath, FileType
$result.FilePath = $FilePath
switch ($machineUint)
0 { $result.FileType = 'Native' }
0x014c { $result.FileType = 'i686' } # 32bit
0x0200 { $result.FileType = 'Itanium' }
0x8664 { $result.FileType = 'x86_64' } # 64bit
function ExtractGitFromFile {
$stripped = .\mpv --no-config | select-string "mpv" | select-object -First 1
$pattern = "-g([a-z0-9-]{7})"
$bool = $stripped -match $pattern
return $matches[1]
function ExtractGitFromURL($filename) {
$pattern = "-git-([a-z0-9-]{7})"
$bool = $filename -match $pattern
return $matches[1]
function ExtractDateFromFile {
$date = (Get-Item ./mpv.exe).LastWriteTimeUtc
$day = $date.Day.ToString("00")
$month = $date.Month.ToString("00")
$year = $date.Year.ToString("0000")
return "$year$month$day"
function ExtractDateFromURL($filename) {
$pattern = "mpv-[xi864_].*-([0-9]{8})-git-([a-z0-9-]{7})"
$bool = $filename -match $pattern
return $matches[1]
function Test-Admin
$user = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent();
(New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $user).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator)
function Create-XML {
"@ | Set-Content "settings.xml" -Encoding UTF8
function Check-ChannelRelease {
$channel = ""
$file = "settings.xml"
if (-not (Test-Path $file)) {
$result = Read-KeyOrTimeout "Choose mpv updates frequency, weekly or daily? [1=weekly/2=daily] (default=1)" "D1"
Write-Host ""
if ($result -eq 'D1') {
$channel = "weekly"
elseif ($result -eq 'D2') {
$channel = "daily"
else {
throw "Please enter valid input key."
[xml]$doc = Get-Content $file
$ = $channel
else {
[xml]$doc = Get-Content $file
$channel = $
return $channel
function Check-Arch($arch) {
$get_arch = ""
$file = "settings.xml"
if (-not (Test-Path $file)) { exit }
[xml]$doc = Get-Content $file
if ($doc.settings.arch -eq "unset") {
if ($arch -eq "i686") {
$get_arch = "i686"
else {
$result = Read-KeyOrTimeout "Choose variant for 64bit builds: x86_64 or x86_64-v3 (for cpu with AVX2 support) [1=x86_64 / 2=x86_64-v3 (default=1)" "D1"
Write-Host ""
if ($result -eq 'D1') {
$get_arch = "x86_64"
elseif ($result -eq 'D2') {
$get_arch = "x86_64-v3"
else {
throw "Please enter valid input key."
$doc.settings.arch = $get_arch
else {
$get_arch = $doc.settings.arch
return $get_arch
function Check-Autodelete($archive) {
$autodelete = ""
$file = "settings.xml"
if (-not (Test-Path $file)) { exit }
[xml]$doc = Get-Content $file
if ($doc.settings.autodelete -eq "unset") {
$result = Read-KeyOrTimeout "Delete archives after extract? [Y/n] (default=Y)" "Y"
Write-Host ""
if ($result -eq 'Y') {
$autodelete = "true"
elseif ($result -eq 'N') {
$autodelete = "false"
else {
throw "Please enter valid input key."
$doc.settings.autodelete = $autodelete
if ($doc.settings.autodelete -eq "true") {
if (Test-Path $archive)
Remove-Item -Force $archive
function Check-GetFFmpeg() {
$get_ffmpeg = ""
$file = "settings.xml"
if (-not (Test-Path $file)) { exit }
[xml]$doc = Get-Content $file
if ($doc.settings.getffmpeg -eq "unset") {
Write-Host "FFmpeg doesn't exist. " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
$result = Read-KeyOrTimeout "Proceed with downloading? [Y/n] (default=n)" "N"
Write-Host ""
if ($result -eq 'Y') {
$get_ffmpeg = "true"
elseif ($result -eq 'N') {
$get_ffmpeg = "false"
else {
throw "Please enter valid input key."
$doc.settings.getffmpeg = $get_ffmpeg
else {
$get_ffmpeg = $doc.settings.getffmpeg
return $get_ffmpeg
function Upgrade-Mpv {
$need_download = $false
$remoteName = ""
$download_link = ""
$arch = ""
$channel = ""
if (Check-Mpv) {
$channel = Check-ChannelRelease
$file_arch = (Get-Arch).FileType
$arch = Check-Arch $file_arch
$remoteName, $download_link = Get-Latest-Mpv $arch $channel
$localgit = ExtractGitFromFile
$localdate = ExtractDateFromFile
$remotegit = ExtractGitFromURL $remoteName
$remotedate = ExtractDateFromURL $remoteName
if ($localgit -match $remotegit)
if ($localdate -match $remotedate)
Write-Host "You are already using latest mpv build -- $remoteName" -ForegroundColor Green
$need_download = $false
else {
Write-Host "Newer mpv build available" -ForegroundColor Green
$need_download = $true
else {
Write-Host "Newer mpv build available" -ForegroundColor Green
$need_download = $true
else {
Write-Host "mpv doesn't exist. " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
$result = Read-KeyOrTimeout "Proceed with downloading? [Y/n] (default=y)" "Y"
Write-Host ""
if ($result -eq 'Y') {
$need_download = $true
if (Test-Path (Join-Path $env:windir "SysWow64")) {
Write-Host "Detecting System Type is 64-bit" -ForegroundColor Green
$original_arch = "x86_64"
else {
Write-Host "Detecting System Type is 32-bit" -ForegroundColor Green
$original_arch = "i686"
$channel = Check-ChannelRelease
$arch = Check-Arch $original_arch
$remoteName, $download_link = Get-Latest-Mpv $arch $channel
elseif ($result -eq 'N') {
$need_download = $false
else {
throw "Please enter valid input key."
if ($need_download) {
Download-Archive $remoteName $download_link
Extract-Archive $remoteName
Check-Autodelete $remoteName
function Upgrade-Ytplugin {
$yt = Check-Ytplugin
if ($yt) {
$latest_release = Get-Latest-Ytplugin((Get-Item $yt).BaseName)
if ((& $yt --version) -match ($latest_release)) {
Write-Host "You are already using latest" (Get-Item $yt).BaseName "-- $latest_release" -ForegroundColor Green
else {
Write-Host "Newer" (Get-Item $yt).BaseName "build available" -ForegroundColor Green
& $yt --update
else {
Write-Host "ytdlp or youtube-dl doesn't exist. " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
$result = Read-KeyOrTimeout "Proceed with downloading? [Y/n] (default=n)" "N"
Write-Host ""
if ($result -eq 'Y') {
$result_exe = Read-KeyOrTimeout "Download ytdlp or youtubedl? [1=ytdlp/2=youtubedl] (default=1)" "D1"
Write-Host ""
if ($result_exe -eq 'D1') {
$latest_release = Get-Latest-Ytplugin "yt-dlp"
Download-Ytplugin "yt-dlp" $latest_release
elseif ($result_exe -eq 'D2') {
$latest_release = Get-Latest-Ytplugin "youtube-dl"
Download-Ytplugin "youtube-dl" $latest_release
else {
throw "Please enter valid input key."
function Upgrade-FFmpeg {
$get_ffmpeg = Check-GetFFmpeg
if ($get_ffmpeg -eq "false") {
if (Test-Path (Join-Path $env:windir "SysWow64")) {
$original_arch = "x86_64"
$arch = Check-Arch $original_arch
else {
$arch = "i686"
$need_download = $false
$remote_name, $download_link = Get-Latest-FFmpeg $arch
$ffmpeg = (Get-Location).Path + "\ffmpeg.exe"
$ffmpeg_exist = Test-Path $ffmpeg
if ($ffmpeg_exist) {
$ffmpeg_file = .\ffmpeg -version | select-string "ffmpeg" | select-object -First 1
$file_pattern = "git-[0-9-]+([a-z0-9-]{8})"
$url_pattern = "git-([a-z0-9-]{8})"
$bool = $ffmpeg_file -match $file_pattern
$local_git = $matches[1]
$bool = $remote_name -match $url_pattern
$remote_git = $matches[1]
if ($local_git -match $remote_git) {
Write-Host "You are already using latest ffmpeg build -- $remote_name" -ForegroundColor Green
$need_download = $false
else {
Write-Host "Newer ffmpeg build available" -ForegroundColor Green
$need_download = $true
else {
$need_download = $true
if ($need_download) {
Download-Archive $remote_name $download_link
Extract-Archive $remote_name
Check-Autodelete $remote_name
function Read-KeyOrTimeout ($prompt, $key){
$seconds = 9
$startTime = Get-Date
$timeOut = New-TimeSpan -Seconds $seconds
Write-Host "$prompt " -ForegroundColor Green
# Basic progress bar
[Console]::CursorLeft = 0
[Console]::CursorLeft = $seconds + 2
[Console]::CursorLeft = 1
while (-not [System.Console]::KeyAvailable) {
$currentTime = Get-Date
Start-Sleep -s 1
Write-Host "#" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
if ($currentTime -gt $startTime + $timeOut) {
if ([System.Console]::KeyAvailable) {
$response = [System.Console]::ReadKey($true).Key
else {
$response = $key
return $response.ToString()
# Main script entry point
if (Test-Admin) {
Write-Host "Running script with administrator privileges" -ForegroundColor Yellow
else {
Write-Host "Running script without administrator privileges" -ForegroundColor Red
try {
# Sourceforge only support TLS 1.2
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$global:progressPreference = 'silentlyContinue'wtf.akt.fleks
Write-Host "Operation completed" -ForegroundColor Magenta
catch [System.Exception] {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
exit 1