The speed that we offer is from very very good quality, many buyers have tested it in various centra like Trimbos Institute. We have had only positive feedback from the test results.

Product: Speed Pasta +70% (Amphetamine)
Color: White
Country of origin: The Netherlands

Amphetamine is considered to be the quintessential member of the stimulant class due to its extensively studied effects and long history of clinical use.

What is Speed?

Amphetamine (also known as alpha-methylphenethylamine, amfetamine, and speed) is a stimulant substance of the phenethylamine class. Chemically, it is the parent compound of the substituted amphetamines, a group which includes a diverse range of substances like bupropion, phenmetrazine, MDMA, and DOx. Amphetamine acts by promoting the release of the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain.

What are the effects of Speed?

Subjective effects include stimulation, focus enhancement, motivation enhancement, increased libido, appetite suppression, and euphoria.


-It is usually taken orally, but can also be insufflated, injected, or administered rectally.
-Lower doses are commonly reported to increase focus and productivity while higher doses tend to increase sociability, sexual desire, and euphoria.

-Recreational use of amphetamine is associated with abuse and 

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